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What is Grow?

At Grow they don’t know me by my diagnosis, but for who I am.” – Grow Client

The content of groups changes throughout the year and over time as all of our programming is person-focused. To see a description of the groups we offer please, click “Grow Groups” below.

– Develop meaningful activities
Build skills to better understand their mental health
Build a support network
– Transition to community
(Connections Place, Employment, Education, Volunteering, Rec Centres…)

The Grow program provides Psychosocial Rehabilitation (or PSR) services designed to promote personal recovery, successful community integration, and maintenance of a satisfactory quality of life.

PSR focuses on helping individuals develop skills, access resources and improve their quality of life by building on their strengths. Individuals set their own goals and choose how to achieve them. 

Everyone has the potential and right to lead a purposeful life.
A supportive environment is central to achieving goals and maintaining structure.
– Engaging in meaningful activities and being with others helps promote recovery.
– Individuals are not defined by their mental illness.
– Everyone has strengths and skills.

Grow addresses all dimensions of wellness – the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Our service integrates staff and participant’s ideas in developing activities and groups in order to meet individuals’ needs and interests.

GROW Groups

Program FAQS

Program Guidelines and Expectations

How to Get Involved

Referrals can be made by anyone; psychiatrist, case manager,
family/walk-in doctor, community support worker, psychologist, counsellor, healthcare provider, or by self-referral.
Please reach out to Krysten O’Coffey, Manager of Programs, to discuss further or send in a referral form.

Referral forms can be accessed here: GROW Referral
PSR Program Guidelines and Expectations: PSR Program Guidelines and Expectations

To learn more please contact:

PSR Manager
Krysten O’Coffey
125 Skinner Street
Victoria, B.C. V9A 6X4
Tel: 250-389-1211 ext. 128
Cell: 250-882-3544